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Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)

Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)

Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement (Whitening Edible Sunscreen)
$49.00 SGD $0.00 SGD
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Eighteen Vitaskin Nutricosmetic Supplement V2 (Vegan) (Expiry Feb 2025)

(Multi-functional Health & Beauty supplement)

The New Eighteen is two times more effective than the previous version!

⬆️ Higher absorption as the rate of bioavailability is increased!
⬆️ More beauty benefits! 2x more effective!
⬆️ Vegan friendly!
⬆️ 2 softgels of Eighteen V1 = 1 softgel of Eighteen V2

✔Skin lightening
✔Lightens freckles and pigmentations
✔Boosts skin moisture
✔Evens out skin tone
✔Boosts radiance
✔Protects skin against UV rays
✔Reduce acne and pimples
✔Lightens acne marks and scars
✔Boost collagen production
✔Boost immunity
✔Helps to ease hangover
✔Helps to alleviate autoimmune diseases
✔Visible results in 2-4 weeks*

*EK SkinTech*
It is excellent for antioxidant effect and protection against skin damage by ultraviolet ray (reducing wrinkles and fine lines, diminishing age or sun spots). It has a variety of functions including skin barrier enhancement, whitening effect, skin moisturizing, collagen production, antioxidation, etc.

Whitening Effect + Skin Moisturizing + Wrinkle Improvement

EK Skintech inhibits melanin production, increases skin moisture and reduces water loss, and promotes collagen production.

Antioxidative Effect
EK skintech inhibits active oxygen production in the body and increases the expression of antioxidant enzymes, which is effective in preventing aging.

Too much sugar can age your skin through a process called glycation. Sugar binds with collagen and elastin, the two vital proteins which make your skin supple and elastic. This produces advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which weaken the skin’s structure, resulting in visible signs of ageing.
AGEs generate high levels of free radicals which further aggravate skin ageing and increase glycation, leading to a vicious self-perpetuating cycle.

EK Skintech blocks glycation
By reducing sugar release in the blood, inhibits formation of AGEs to halt the breakdown of collagen, and helps to reduce free radicals
through its potent antioxidant properties.

✅Made in Korea.
✅MFDS approved.
✅COA cleared.
✅Samsung Insurance coverage.
✅💯 Safe and results-proven!

8 main functions are:
1. UV protection
2. Whitening; lightens acnes marks and scars; Lightens hyperpigmentation and freckles
3. Moisturizing
4. Enhance your cells to produce own collagen
5. Reduce acne and pimples
6. Boost immunity
7. Anti-glycation
8. Anti-oxidative effect
1 box consists of 30 softgels.

Intensive - Consume 2 softgels daily during the day ( 1 box can last 15 days)
Maintenance - Consume 1 softgel daily during the day (1 box can last 30 days)
Intensive whitening - Consume up to 4 softgels daily for speedy skin lightening effect.

❤Do a review by taking unedited and unfiltered photos of before (before start of the softgels) and after photo (at least 10 days after consuming 2 softgels daily).
This is important as this will help you track and show the progress and improvement if there is any.

Eighteen 肌肤维生素营养膳食
✔ 亮白肤色
✔ 减轻雀斑和色素沉着
✔ 锁住皮肤水分 
✔ 均匀肤色
✔ 让皮肤恢复光彩 
✔ 保护皮肤免受紫外线侵害
✔ 抗粉刺
✔ 抗衰老
✔ 减轻粉刺痕迹和疤痕
✔ 2-4周可见效果*

  • ⬆️ 为您提供更多美容好处!效果提升两倍!
  • ⬆️ 适合纯素人士!
  • ⬆️ 两个 18软胶囊 = 1个纯素18软胶囊
  • ⬆️ 吸收率会随着生物利用度的上升而有所提高!

素胶囊的生物利用度和吸收率都非常出色, 其输送效率在业界中的声名可谓数一数二。

EK SkinTech
EK SkinTech 的抗氧化功效显著,能够保护您的肌肤,免受紫外线对皮肤造成伤害。加上能够减少皱纹和幼纹,淡化太阳黑子,让您回复青春光彩。
EK SkinTech 拥有多种功效,当中包括提升皮肤屏障的各种功能、带来美白效果、滋润保湿、促进制造胶原蛋白、抗氧化、改善皱纹等。此外,EK SkinTech还能够抑制褪黑激素产生,增加皮肤水分,达至减少水流失的效果。

EK Skintech 能够抑制身体活性氧的释放,增强各种抗氧化酶素的表现,以达至有效抗衰老的效果。

过多的糖分会加速皮肤老化,这种过程称谓"糖化"。  糖与胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白互相结合,这两种重要的蛋白质令您的皮肤柔软而富有弹性。这会产生糖化终产物(advanced glycation end products AGEs),削弱皮肤结构,导致明显的老化迹象。此外,糖化终产物会产生大量游离基,进一步加剧皮肤老化和增加糖化,导致永无休止的恶性循环。EK Skintech 能够透过减低血糖量,抑制糖化形成以阻止胶原蛋白分解,并通过其强效的抗氧化特性,帮助击退游离基。


✅ISO9001 WCS认证工厂

您为什么应该选择 Eighteen?





✔ 减少青春痘
✔ 锁水、痤疮调理以及控油
✔ 雀斑和色素沉着减轻
✔ 使用4周后皮肤色调亮白两级*
✔ 皮肤明显焕发光泽
✔ 痘印以及疤痕明显减淡
✔ 妊娠纹变浅
✔ 口气清新
✔  提升免疫力
✔  抗糖化
✔  有助缓解宿醉
✔  有助舒缓自身免疫性疾病


  • 谷胱甘肽
  • 瑞士混合果蔬粉
  • 美国混合浆果粉
  • 维生素C
  • 薄荷油
  • 烟酰胺
  • 大豆卵磷脂
  • 氧化锌
  • 藿香提取物
  • 乳木果油
  • 藿香提取物("韩国薄荷")
  • 乳木果油

密集 - 白天每天 2 个软凝胶 (1 盒可以持续 15 天)
维护 - 白天每天 1 个软凝胶(1 盒可持续 30 天)
强化美白 - 每天多达 4 个软凝胶,以快速发挥皮肤增亮效果。