– It brewing a light floating herbal scent. The unique woody aroma mixing with a touch of fruit, brews the tastes of mild and delicate. It seems was capture the golden years and the sense of tranquility.
– 它散發著淡淡的草藥清香。木質獨有的異香中似乎還湧動著微妙的果香,讓味道溫文爾雅。仿佛抓住了流金歲月,感受浮光奪影中的安靜。
– Helps relieve hair loss, nourish blood and black hair, strengthen body function, anti-aging, nourish the heart, liver, kidney and reduce fatigue
– 有助於缓解脱发,補血烏髮生髮,强化身体机能,抗老,滋補心,肝,腎和減輕疲勞
– Schisandra, Cuscuta chinensis, Rehmannia glutinosa, Mulberry, Poria, Caulis polygoni multiflori, Atractylodes macrocephala, Licorice
– 五味子,菟絲子,地黃,桑葚,茯苓,夜交藤,白術,甘草